Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Everybody's working for the weekend...

Adventure recap from the full weekend, straight ahead! I've officially given up on fame from this blog, but at least it's a way to stay in touch with a few people (my two consistent readers and commenters) and to hopefully provide entertainment to people who currently live in the same city as I do but are occasionally bored at work.

So, Friday night, we'd discussed the possibility of attending a 90's themed dance party at this bar in downtown Lynchburg that is closing at the end of the month. Now, there is pretty much nothing in the world I would rather do than attend a 90's themed dance party.
This would actually not be the best song to dance to at said party. But it's so great, and we all need to listen to it more often.

Sadly, though, living in Lynchburg has somewhat hampered our enthusiasm (using the plural first person to refer to me and Katrina) for attending parties that do not START until "after 11 p.m." Who do they think we are, college students? Plus, work was just the worst on Friday...I had to deal with some difficult people and the stuff I got to write was not as cool as I wanted it to be, and all I wanted to do was sit on my couch, drink beer and eat Chinese food.

Luckily, I was not alone! (How would I be? Doesn't that sound like basically the best activity in the world?) Katrina, my roommate Kayla and our other friends (there are very few of them) agreed that was really the best choice for our Friday night. 

So we ordered Chinese food (though the new owners of our favorite place have jacked up the prices and made the food less good - heartbreaking), drank beer and watched Admission (not great) and Beauty and the Beast (so great!).

For a slice of my life, Barrett's take on Beauty and the Beast: "I don't like it because the wrong guy wins."
When the movie was over, though, he did acknowledge that Gaston is kind of a dick and maybe the Beast deserved to wind up with Belle.

The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful...we went out Saturday night, though not with Barrett's high school friend as promised. Sunday's hike was cancelled for fear of rain, which kind of came, though not very intensely and might have been okay. Still, I didn't really want to be on a mountain during a thunderstorm (and I got to spend a lot of the day in bed - always good. Though I did work out for a bit.)

All in all, not the most adventurous of weekends, but I hope you loved the post thanks to the video supplements.

Over and out.


  1. Sorry, but how does "the wrong guy win" in Beauty and the Beast??? Is he looking for GASTON to win???? He's a butthead loser toolbag jerkface who deserves nothing. While the beast has flaws, nobody is perfect, and the fact that he changes in the end is what makes him a good character, and that's what matters. So the "wrong guy" absolutely does not win.

  2. I'm curious as to what other Disney villains Barrett likes. Does he personally relate to Scar or Captain Hook or Ursula? Is he secretly an octopus/sea witch? I bet he is. DO NOT GIVE YOUR VOICE TO HIM.

  3. Ursula is not in very good shape. I don't see him relating to her. And loves Jeremy Irons, but Scar is also pretty scrawny. So I think I'm okay.

    Fun fact: he also said he has never seen and has no interest in seeing Hercules, when it is literally the story of a scrawny kid getting big. And there's that really good song in it.

  4. Captain Hook is a very good runner. He almost out-runs the crocodile. What about Clayton from Tarzan? (Although Tarzan is definitely more buff.)
