Monday, August 5, 2013

An idyllic weekend...

...followed by the grumpiest Monday ever.

I really want to blog about all the cool things I did this weekend and be witty and hilarious (and incorporate pictures!) but I'm feeling very grumpy at the moment. I'll do my best to recount how lovely my weekend was, and maybe that will lift my spirits on this slow, boring torturous first day of the week.

Over the course of this weekend, I participated in basically every stereotypical, required summertime event imaginable. That started Friday night with a trip to see the Lynchburg Hillcats play baseball, aided by a coupon for $5 tickets and the promise of $3 drink specials. Also, we were supposed to get hats.

BUT THE HATS WERE A LIE. The Facebook page promised a "Battle of Virginia" hat giveaway, in which game attendees could choose a Hillcats cap in the colors of either the University of Virginia or Virginia Tech. Now, not being a fan of either of those institutions, I wasn't really that jazzed about it. BUT I WANTED THE FREE HAT I WAS PROMISED.

Katrina and I arrived around 6:40, and I'm 96 percent certain we were among the first 1,000 fans at the game. There were a lot more people there then other times I've been to see the Hillcats, but...I do not think that the team has 1,000 fans at any point. Anywho, we were a little confused at not being handed our chosen hats immediately upon arrival, but found our way to the guest services kiosk where people seemed to be receiving said hats.

"Umm...we'd like our hats?" I said to the man behind the desk, as he stared at us blankly upon approach.

"Are you season ticket holders?" he asked.

"No..." we said, "Is it only for season ticket holders?"

When the man said yes I sort of brusquely muttered, "That was not made clear!" and stormed off in a huff.

I do not think it will affect this man's life at all. I recently did a similar thing to a cashier at Sheetz when I got tired of them never EVER having sprinkle donuts when I came in, and I'm pretty sure I was just mean to an innocent man who has no control over sprinkle donut production. But at least venting my rage about life's little unfairness-es makes me feel a wee bit better.

Long story short, I spent the rest of the game (which was quite a while, four plus hours and 11 innings - the Hillcats lost) eyeing every person in a hat and trying to work up the gumption to ask if they, too, were season ticket holders. I suspect that man just didn't like us.

Also, we saw a skunk.

I will end the blog post for now and come back later in the day to write part two, which will focus on Saturday's race and hopefully involve less vitriol about the unfair denial of hats. At a later date I'll write part three on Sunday, a day on which I went to church (madness), ran two miles then walked five, and also watched Interview With the Vampire. You know you want to read about all of that.

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