Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I went on a run last night...

And here are some things that happened. Presented without comment, and in list form, because I've found that's the best way to create humor in kind of unfunny situations. Here we go:

1. The first song my Pandora station played was "Here's to Never Growing Up," by the one and only Avril, and it was awesome. All you haters gonna hate.

2. I almost got hit by some cars. The lights were red, I swear! But by the time I started to cross they were green and it was terrifying! But I lived.

3. I saw a groundhog.

4. I saw a state police car on the side road I was on and thought maybe they were going to pull me over for illegal street crossing.

5. I thought about how pretty Forest, Virginia is, because it is really fucking pretty. I love Lexington dearly, but I think this side of the mountains is better.

6. There were some ducks on the side of the road. One white, one brown. They were chowing down on some grass. When I encounter animals I like to run to the other side of the road, but that still felt too close. So I ran through some people's backyard for a while and they probably thought I was a robber and/or murderer.

7. The song "Skyscraper" came on my Pandora near the end of my run, and it was awesome and inspirational. Haters, continue hating.

8. I did not find myself magically 20 pounds thinner. And then I drank a beer and at some chips and queso because it was a hard day, so the effect of the run was likely moot.

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