Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The time has come to set out my journey westward...

Here we go, the first of many a blog post about the exciting 10 days or so that I just lived. I'll try to be engaging and hilarious to make up for my lengthy absence, but I make no promises.

(Also, 10 bonus points to whoever can name what I'm referencing in the post's title. If no one gets it I'll give a second clue in the next entry.)

My week and a half of adventure began early in the morning on Friday, Aug. 30. It's been almost a year - since Thanksgiving 2012 - since I've made the lengthy trek home via car. I opted to fly for both Christmas and Easter, as though were fairly brief visits and the flying costs off a decent amount of travel time.

Still, there's something enticing about driving; as I put it a few times while home, it makes me the master of my own destiny. If I oversleep (as I did before my flight home for Easter), I'll be behind the schedule I'd set, but I'm still certain to make ti where I plan to go. And there's a certain allure to spending hours in a car, clearing your head, getting to know America, and laughing at amusing billboards.

That being said, driving home this time was pretty much the worst. experience. ever.

Nothing specific happened to make the drive so unbearable; in fact, on the way home I made pretty good time, conserved gas well, and didn't even have to drive the full 12 hours since I stopped in Indianapolis on the way. Plus, there's a new Katy Perry song out these days, always a plus for the long car trips. (Not for my voice/throat, or for anyone who happens to be driving next to me while I have my windows rolled down, but it's totally worth it.)

No, there's no heartbreaking story of getting pulled over or yelled at by random people in West Virginia or going to the world's most insane Wendy's (all previous Indiana to Virginia drive occurrences), but by about hour two of driving on 65 m.p.h. roads in Ohio, passing cops every 10 miles or so, I was so desperate to be on a plane it wasn't even funny.

Still, I made it to my brother's house in Indy, nommed on some pizza, and went with them to hit up Costco, fairly unscathed.

I think Costco is dumb, and this trip did not dissuade that impression. As Paul pointed out, he didn't feel like he was getting that great of deals, and you have to fight your way through a veritable warehouse to get a giant box of Cheez-its that isn't actually a giant box filled with Cheez-its but rather two normal-sized bags of Cheez-its placed in a slightly larger, occasionally comical, box.

Plus, occasionally there are birds:
No one but me seemed concerned about this bird flying around Costco. But I was super concerned.

Anywho, we made it home from Costco, drank beers and watched Walk the Line/high school football (don't ask) and had a generally pleasant evening.

More adventures adventures to come soon! Hopefully.

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