Friday, June 7, 2013

I just look like I know what I'm doing...

So I failed to post yesterday, and then had written most of a blog post today when a guy called me back I needed to talk to, then I ate lunch and then I got sleepy. Initial blog post derailed, but I will persevere and give you all an adventure if it kills me!

My original plan was to write about my attempts at being a business reporter despite not actually knowing anything about business. I lost the thread of how I was expressing it before, but I'll do my best to express my thoughts on this subject in a fresh, engaging, pithy (OH SO PITHY) way.

Almost two years ago to the day, I started my first business reporting internship. At the time, I had quite possibly negative levels of interest in business reporting, but needed an internship to, you know, graduate, so I took the job.

It was not, I will say, a summer filled with mystery and intrigue. I covered a few cool things, learned some stuff and become mildly interested in business reporting, but did not decide it was my life's calling. Still, when it came time to look for post-grad internships/jobs, the idea of branding myself as a "business reporter" seemed like a good way to give myself a niche and avoid the tortuous hell of being a full-time night cops reporter. (I hope you're sensing a theme about my feelings toward working nights cops.)

So here I am, gainfully (ha, that's a good one) employed as a business reporter, faking it until I make it. Today I pulled together a story on the housing market, despite the fact that I quite literally have no understanding of how the housing market works, at a very basic level. But when I look through data and talk to people I'm generally able to comprehend the important stuff and see the trends that are there to be seen.

I do think this field has bettered my life in a lot of ways, as well. Although I still don't feel like a housing expert by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I really get how bank earnings reports work or what REO's are (true story, when a banker mentioned REO's once I though he meant the cookie). But I know a lot more about those things - and a lot of other stuff - than I did two years ago.

So here's to the adventure of challenging yourself, pretending that you know what you're talking about until people believe you and to having a job - even a low-paying one.

Not the greatest post ever, I know. Hopefully my weekend will be filled with endless fun times and I'll be able to keep you readers engaged shortly.

For now, I am sleepy.

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