Monday, June 17, 2013

Remember how I said Flat Top was the worst...

It still is.

And yet, despite this, I hiked it once again this Sunday with Barrett and co-reporters and friends Alicia and Katrina. This was a day after we went to the Batteau Festival (Don't know what that is? Read all about it here) and I got seriously, seriously sunburned, so I was already struggling a bit. Plus I'd run about four and a half miles Saturday afternoon, meaning my legs were on the weaker side and would have much preferred spending the day reclined on the couch.

But I am committed to physical fitness and nature and fun, so off we went. The hike was grueling, as it had been the last time, though I think I was aided by having slept in a real bed the night before.

The thing about Flat Top is that it seems easy at first, and is, in fact, never quite as steep as Sharp Top at its worst. But after about two miles of endless gently upwardly sloping switchbacks, you reach a sign that tells you there's only half a mile to go.

First off, it always seems like you should have gone a lot further than just two miles at that point. Second, I'm fairly convinced that last half mile is the longest half mile in the history of the world. And after climbing steadily upward for it for a while, it has the audacity to drop downward before turning back toward the summit, meaning you have to cover the same ground you just covered! RIDICULOUS!

Anywho, we finally made it to the top, and found a slightly better viewing spot than Barrett and I enjoyed the first time, so I suppose it was worth it. I haven't uploaded all my photos yet, but here's a sampling from my phone, slightly more picturesque than the summit photo I posted before.

I'll paste a better one when either I or one of my companions sees fit to upload more camera pictures. This is small and clearly a bit hazy. But it was still cool.

After the hike, Katrina, Alicia and I celebrated with frozen yogurt. It was delicious and well-earned. 

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