Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My weekends are too adventure-filled...

Or, more accurately, my weekdays are a bit low on the adventure quotient. I know everyone's super interested in my ramblings about boring metaphorical adventures, but you'll just have to make do with another quasi-adventure that took place Sunday evening.

(Confession time: I'm losing some of the motivation when it comes to this blog. I seem to be nowhere closer to becoming famous, and even I am finding myself boring. Maybe I'll try and bring in my controversy. Or maybe someone connected to me just needs to commit a major crime - Snowden's girlfriend's blog blew up shortly after his reveal and now she's super famous! Although she has deleted the blog.)

After our hike Sunday afternoon, Barrett and I picked up our dear friend Katrina for a trip out to Nelson County to celebrate here birthday! Woo, so exciting!

If you ever lived in this part of Virginia, you may find yourself asking, "Why on Earth would you head to Nelson County for a celebration?"

Your question would not be wrongheaded; there is not a ton to do out there. The county has one stoplight. That is all.

The people of Nelson County, noting this problem, decided the best solution to living in the middle of nowhere was to start drinking. Perhaps because of the difficulty of traversing the miles and miles of emptiness to find adequate amounts of booze and other spirits, these industrious folk decided not only to drink, but to make said drink themselves.

And so the quiet country county is a hotbed of breweries, wineries and soon, distilleries. I've already sampled two of the Nelson County breweries: Blue Mountain and Devil's Backbone (which has an outpost in Rockbridge County, hollaaa). We decided to give a new one a try for Katrina's celebration and set out on the hour-ish drive to Wild Wolf Brewing Company.

The building that houses the brewery is simultaneously cute and creepy. It's a former schoolhouse, which, combined with these three little girls dressed in matching white dresses, made for a slightly uncomfortable vibe. Seriously, these girls. If only I'd taken a picture - they would haunt your nightmares.

Anywho, we sat outside and enjoyed a giant soft pretzel (finally! there's a been an ongoing war against me enjoying a soft pretzel) and some delicious craft beers to start out with. Luckily, we chose a table under an umbrella, because shortly after we ordered our entrees, the rain began to pour down.

And continued to pour down. And poured, and poured, and poured.

Our umbrella served us well, but we finally had to give up and literally sprint to the indoor shelter of the creepy schoolhouse building. Unfortunately, that was near the end of our stay, and we had to drive back from the middle of nowhere caught in this hellish storm.

It was not great, but we survived and made it back to the booming metropolis of Lynchburg.

The highlight of the return, though, was an impromptu rendition of "My Favorite Things." I know those of you know who know me can appreciate my impressive musical talent, and let me tell you, if you were not in that car, you missed out.

1 comment:

  1. I find your life incredibly interesting and your metaphorical ramblings enthralling. DON'T STOP! (Note: I am not willing to commit a crime for you.)
