Friday, June 28, 2013

Little adventures along the way...

I haven't blogged in a few days, partly due to a lack of enthusiasm and partly due to a lack of adventures. I'm once again feeling downtrodden by my lack of famousness and the fact that I am pretty sure there are only two people who read this blog. (Woo Katherine and Shiri! Also occasionally Katrina. I think Barrett has given up.)

Anywho, still not many tales of adventure to share, and I'm anticipating a fairly chill weekend. So instead perhaps I'll share a few mini-adventures of the past few days, attempting to inject my trademark pithiness whenever possible.

1) Ellie's roommate saga: resolved! Last night the girl I met for a coffee a long time ago and liked came over to our apartment to meet my current roomie (whose sister is not taking the third spot, as had been a possibility) and check out the place. She liked the apartment, we liked her, everything is copacetic. Although I'll miss my departing roommate, it's exciting to get some new energy and a new friend in my life. I've also decided to stay in my current room, which means I won't have to move (huzzah) but am considering getting a new bed, likely upgrading to a full-size. Prepare for an entry down the way on Ellie's attempts to purchase a non-terrifying bed in which no  via Craigslist and/or Goodwill.

2) I finished Breaking Bad! Or rather, caught up with it. I plan to watch it live when it comes back in August, and then try and get the complete series on DVD for my birthday. At that point I may do a full rewatch with Barrett and start a splinter blog from this one where I try my hand at recapping/reviewing, because that's a career path I'd be interested in pursuing some day. So I hope you're excited for that!

3) Another follow-up on a previous adventure: The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup! It was super exciting, dampened a bit by the fact that I watched the third period by myself in my living room, drinking a beer and eating Hershey's Cookies and Creme drops, quietly cheering and fist pumping because my roommate had gone to bed and needed to wake up at like 5 a.m. I'm missing the parade today, another consequence of living hundreds of miles away from home. But still, hooray for a sports team I care about succeeding.

4) Recently, a group of schoolchildren came by desk at work and took pictures of me. It was super weird. That is all.


  1. Woo! What can Shiri and I do to compete for the title of Favorite Reader? Katrina can compete as well, but Barrett is automatically disqualified.

  2. Woah, Kath. Way to throw down the towel! Who said this was a competition!?
